Anime Review: El Hazard 2

El Hazard 2

Review El Hazard 2 Written by Warpshadow Rating good

There are some shows which are sequels which feel tacked on, like the design team ran out of good ideas after making the first one. I would have to stick the second El hazard Oav in that category.

It has be a while since the whole debacle with the eye of god and the bugrom has been dealt with. Now everyone is enjoying peaceful days (at least when they aren't avoiding the attention of the lecherous and newly freed Princess Fatora) and looking forward the Fujisawa and Miz getting married, or at least they were until Fujisawa left Miz at the altar. Naturally everyone goes on a search to find him. Also, Jinnai may be down but he certainly isn't out of the game, especially since he finds another ancient weapon of destruction and plans to use it, or rather her to rule El Hazard.

Most people who are going to see this probably are going to do so because they saw the first El Hazard oav and want to see more of the same. Unfortunately, this pales in comparison to the First Oav. It not something that I would call bad but it had a lot to live up to. My main problems with it is that the comedy mostly revolves around the priestesses of Muldoon getting angry and blowing stuff up and that the animation quality has taken a nose dive. I feel generally neutral about recommending this title since It is hard for me to tell if someone would enjoy or be disappointed by the second El Hazard Oav.

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