Anime Review: Sonic Soldier Borgman last battle

Sonic Soldier Borgman last battle

Review Sonic Soldier Borgman last battle Written by Warpshadow Rating fair

It is the case with many Oavs that they should not be watched without first seeing the television show or video game they where based on. That is virtually impossible with Sonic Soldier Borgman and for that and other reasons I do not recommend it.

The relationship between Ryo and Anice is showing strain because of the pair's competing career goals. This leads to Anice moving away to take a job offer. Meanwhile a series of crimes are occurring and it seems that cyborgs are at the source of the trouble. This is very odd since there were only three cyborgs created and the person who invented the process is dead. Interestingly enough there is a connection between these crimes and the new company that Anice has signed on to.

I found Sonic Soldier Borgman last battle to be a particularly weak Oav. The main reason is that the show tries to accomplish two stories the frame of fifty minutes. This could have been okay with a longer movie but Borgman doesn't spend enough time to accomplish either with anything other than cliché level of depth. The other problem is that this Oav leans heavily on it's parent television series for understanding characters and flashbacks. While I usually don't downgrade an Oav for this the Borgman television series is simply unavailable in English, either commercially or as a fansub.

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