Anime Review: Sadamitsu The Destroyer

Sadamitsu The Destroyer

Review Sadamitsu The DestroyerWritten by WarpshadowRating good

A basic action show about a hero who rides an alien motorcycle and beats up other aliens Sadamitsu may not be a great work of art but it is at least decent entertainment.

Sadamitsu Tsubaki was a pretty tough guy being the leader of the corpse gang and all. However one day an alien criminal called a Ryukitai came to earth and seriously outclassed him and his friends. A robotic pursuer was sent after the Ryukitai but it was beaten pretty badly by the alien as well leaving only a helmet behind. The helmet agreed to merge with Sadamitsu so that they could fight the alien together. However even if they are able to beat that Ryukitai can Sadamitsu manage to capture the other Twenty Million of them that are coming to Earth?

As action shows go Sadamitsu The Destroyer is a pretty to the point show with a fairly basic but enjoyable plot. The show is unabashedly manly to the point of being campy but given that there are several other bits of camp strewn throughout the show this might be intentional. As for being a straight up action show this show does it's job pretty well but is nothing out of the ordinary. Overall I found Sadamitsu the destroyer to be decent show that your basic action fan should probably find entertaining.

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